Wednesday 23 January 2013

Section 1

Section 1
The first part of my documentary is to be used as my introduction. I will introduce to the audience through a voice over what the documentary is about and the argument being discussed. It will begin by having a shot of someone on a computer and other devices which can access Facebook to show the different media sources for Facebook to represent the easy access. The voice over which is used for my narrator will explain important facts and figures for Facebook as background information for this documentary and will begin with the question of whether Facebook is the main issue of bullying also known as cyber bullying.


In my documentary I am going to discuss the social networking site of Facebook. However more specifically I am going to look at bullying within Facebook and use the argument of whether Facebook is the cause of cyber bullying and whether it is in fact only used to cause trouble. By doing this I am going to ask individuals about their experiences on Facebook and their opinions about the subject then look more closely at that person asking how it affected them or even ask individuals if they have had arguments on Facebook. By doing this I will discover if Facebook is only trouble or is just carelessly blamed for bullying.
As well as asking individuals I want to do deconstructions for specific dramatic stories of bullying through Facebook. The reason for this is to make aware of the dangers of Facebook and how it is not just an innocent social networking site but not only that I want to make my documentary not just factual but entertaining by giving it a shock factor and using more drama in my documentary.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

questions I will ask

In my documentary I am going to use the qualitative method of collecting data via interviewing people about their personal experiences of  Facebook and find out my information this way. By doing this my research is ethical as I will have their permission and acceptance and the person will be aware that they are on camera and this has the purpose of a documentary. Also anybody who is under the age of 16 will be given a permission letter for their parent/ guardian to sign as they will be on camera. I think that by doing this it will be better to find out more detailed information and will been that the person is more free with the answers and I have more leeway with my questions and will also mean I can improvise with my questions to suit the person and also ask more questions too receive a more detailed answer when appropriate. This hasn't been my only way of collecting data I have recently given out questionnaires through hand and also posted it on Facebook its self. This is a quantative method and although I did get some useful answers it did not help me enough to put a sufficient amount of information on my documentary so I am going to use my results from my questionnaire to ask my questions to the people themselves therefore I am not restricted with my questions like I was with my questionnaire. The reasearch that I have done means that I have adopted methodological plurism because I have adopted both positive and interpretive methods of research to receive my information needed which I have found both helpful to create my documentary. Here is some questions I have prepared to help me questions the people in my documentary and like stated above these questions may change when it comes to the time to suit the person and give me less restriction to receive a more complex and helpful answer. Also if I have more freedom with my questions I can make it more entertaining so that if I feel the documentary is getting a bit repeptitive or boring I can change it to suit my target audience.

'What age did you start using Facebook'

'How long do you spend on Facebook in your average day'

'Would you say this is to long?'

'Would you, in your own opinion say that you are addicted to Facebook?'

'Can you tell me any personal experiences that you have had with facebook that would make you think facebook can be a bad thing?'

'Have you met new people because of Facebook?'

'Has facebook had an effect on any relationships that you have had whether this being a positive account or negative?'

'Do you sometimes wish you had never begun facebook?'

'Have you had any bad experiances on facebook?'


I am going too locate my documentary in realistic settings, For example in college classrooms, in the persons home. For my main story about being addicted too Facebook it is going too take place in the individuals home as I am wanting too show flashbacks so I want too film the documentary as though this story is taking place at this present time too give it that realism. 

What my documentary will contain

My documentary is about the social networking site of Facebook. Here I will show how much the general public use Facebook and in what way’s they use it under the question of ‘Are people addicted too Facebook’ I will create a short piece of asking the general public different questions about their experiences on this site and then show a wider and more detailed story of an individual experience making it more dramatic too make it more entertaining and give it the shock factor which most documentary’s contain to stick with they the typical documentary conventions. 


For my coursework I decided too create a documentary about the social networking site of Facebook. Along side this I will also create an advert for this by making an advert suited for a television magazine and also a newspaper.