Wednesday 23 January 2013

Section 1

Section 1
The first part of my documentary is to be used as my introduction. I will introduce to the audience through a voice over what the documentary is about and the argument being discussed. It will begin by having a shot of someone on a computer and other devices which can access Facebook to show the different media sources for Facebook to represent the easy access. The voice over which is used for my narrator will explain important facts and figures for Facebook as background information for this documentary and will begin with the question of whether Facebook is the main issue of bullying also known as cyber bullying.


In my documentary I am going to discuss the social networking site of Facebook. However more specifically I am going to look at bullying within Facebook and use the argument of whether Facebook is the cause of cyber bullying and whether it is in fact only used to cause trouble. By doing this I am going to ask individuals about their experiences on Facebook and their opinions about the subject then look more closely at that person asking how it affected them or even ask individuals if they have had arguments on Facebook. By doing this I will discover if Facebook is only trouble or is just carelessly blamed for bullying.
As well as asking individuals I want to do deconstructions for specific dramatic stories of bullying through Facebook. The reason for this is to make aware of the dangers of Facebook and how it is not just an innocent social networking site but not only that I want to make my documentary not just factual but entertaining by giving it a shock factor and using more drama in my documentary.