Tuesday 16 October 2012

Theory of narrative

The theory of narrative by Todorov is included in my documentary because of the fact it will start happy, everybody on Facebook giving it no thought which is the start of the equilibrium.  There will be shots of Facebook on computers, phones, iPods etc. and the users of the Facebook with a smile. Then it moves onto the disequilibrium where the voice over for the narrative explains how Facebook is causing an addiction and can be dangerous, giving facts and figures to back this up and interviewing people for their opinion on the matter. The new equilibrium will be the solution for this and showing people that they don’t need to spend as much time on Facebook as they are, also showing some good points about Facebook, for example that you can get your news faster than most media industry’s such as the newspaper industry.

Binary oppositions- Facts vs. opinion

In my documentary I have included the binary opposition of facts vs. opinion. This will work by interviewing different people for their own opinion to see and understand whether people of today really are addicted to Facebook. This will then be weighed against the consequence of facts. The facts will include such facts as how many users are on Facebook, how long people spend their time on Facebook and who have been diagnosed with an addiction too Facebook. This means that either the facts or opinions will out way the other; therefore my documentary has a binary opposition. The binary opposition will help me come to a conclusion of whether people really are addicted to Facebook because it shows me the true opinions and facts and I can use each of these to help me.

Sunday 14 October 2012

My documentary

My documentary is going to revolve around the topic of the social networking site facebook. It is a well known fact that those who have their own facebook page are more than likely addicted to this social networking site. So in my documentary I am going to show what happens when you take facebook away from these people who are addicted. This will make my documentary more light hearted, humerous and entertaining taking away the serious tone that most documentaries contain. However I have decided to include a slight shock factor of a case where a woman is seriously addicted to facebook to the point where she neglects her family because of it and also herself. There will be no presenter, however I am going to include a voice over for the narrative to make it easier for the audience to follow. There will be facts and figures about users of facebook included to keep the genre of a documentary so research will be needed on my part to make sure I include the correct information. Overall my documentary is going to be light hearted and entertaining when comparing to most documentary's although I will include a short shock story inn order to keep the right genre and format of a typical documentary.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Target Audience

The target audience for my documentary can be any gender. It is not targeted to either male or female as it has a subject preference for both genders. Although I would say because of the fact it is a documentary it is more likely to be watched by females, putting it into a percentage I would say 65% females and 35% males. Also , although Facebook is more used my a younger audience of teenagers looking at the respects of a general audience for documentaries it will more than likely be viewed by an older audience because for young teenagers documentaries do not meet their standards of entertainment. Therefore it is more aimed at late teenagers/adults between the ages of 18 and 30. It will also be aimed at those who have and enjoy Facebook or are against Facebook which is something that will be covered within the documentary.  Looking at the class for my target audience I would say it is more likely to be viewed by the lower middle class. The reasons for this are because documentaries are a more educational aspect of television which is associated more with the middle class.  However the class is lowered because the topic for my documentary is about Facebook. Because Facebook is not exclusive and is of high access to everyone that then makes it working class.  Therefor my documentary is suited for the lower middle class. Documentaries are seen as coming from a more educational background as in most cases the purpose of documentaries is too inform with an element of entertainment.