Sunday 14 October 2012

My documentary

My documentary is going to revolve around the topic of the social networking site facebook. It is a well known fact that those who have their own facebook page are more than likely addicted to this social networking site. So in my documentary I am going to show what happens when you take facebook away from these people who are addicted. This will make my documentary more light hearted, humerous and entertaining taking away the serious tone that most documentaries contain. However I have decided to include a slight shock factor of a case where a woman is seriously addicted to facebook to the point where she neglects her family because of it and also herself. There will be no presenter, however I am going to include a voice over for the narrative to make it easier for the audience to follow. There will be facts and figures about users of facebook included to keep the genre of a documentary so research will be needed on my part to make sure I include the correct information. Overall my documentary is going to be light hearted and entertaining when comparing to most documentary's although I will include a short shock story inn order to keep the right genre and format of a typical documentary.

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